About the Library Using the LibraryMenu
Middlesex Family Connections was established as a means to improve connections between children and families and the services and supports they need in Middlesex County.
Middlesex Family Connections provides families with a centralized portal for accessing information on local family-centered services. This portal includes public sector, nonprofit and charitable organizations and programs that are licensed, regulated, and funded by various levels of government to serve children and families in Middlesex County.
Through this portal families can also access information on Community Connectors who can help facilitate connections to family-centered community agencies.
Visit Middlesex Family Connections to access information on local family-centered services.
Middlesex County Library Branches act as hubs for accessing information on family-centered supports and services in Middlesex County. Library staff are knowledgeable and trusted Community Connectors equipped to help provide families with information on whom and how to connect to service agencies as well as providing access to key resources relevant to the service or support.
Middlesex County Library Branches also host Middlesex Family Connections Information Centres that house relevant information on local services. Visit a Library Branch and a Community Connector can help you find the information you need!
You can connect with a Community Connector by:
Phone: call 519-245-8237 and leave a message
Email: librarian@middlesex.ca
For caregivers with children 0-6 years of age you can connect with a Middlesex EarlyON Facilitator. Call 519-666-3227 or email earlyon@middlesex.ca.
In-person: visit a Middlesex County Library Branch. You can connect with a Community Connector as well as visit one of the Middlesex Family Connections Information Centres.
Local organizations are available to assist with housing, securing employment, education, accessing mentalhealth and addiction services, food and clothing supports, social assistance and everything in between.
Community Navigator Josh Smith is an expert on all these services and programs around Middlesex County. Josh can help you every step of the way: from discovering which program may be best suited to your needs, to referrals and connections with that program, as well as compiling and completing required documentation.
Whatever your need, contact the Community Navigator to get started.
If you think you the Community Navigator can help you, please reach out at communitynavigator@middlesex.ca or call 519-808-0588. If you are a resident of Middlesex County you qualify for assistance: there is no referral required, no eligibility requirements, and no cost. Josh is here to help, and is happy to be your first step!
Visit the Middlesex County Library Community Navigator page for more information.