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Mobile Internet Hotspots are connected to a cellular network and can be used with any wireless device. The hotspots offer unlimited data, with some restrictions in place.
You can request a hotspot by using our online catalogue or by contacting a library for assistance. Hotspots must be picked up at the owning library (look for your desired pickup location when placing the hold). They are currently available at ten branches. Hotspots loan for 7 days, and can be renewed once if no one else has requested the device.
Who can borrow a hotspot? Anyone aged 18 or older with a Middlesex County Library card in good standing can borrow a hotspot.
Where can I borrow a hotspot? Hotspots are available from any Middlesex County Library by placing a hold using our online catalogue or contacting the branch. You can also email librarian@middlesex.ca or call 519-245-8237 for help.
Once notified that your hotspot is available for pickup, you will have 3 business days to pick up from your requested branch.
What comes with the hotspot? The units come in a protective case, with a charging cable and power adaptor, and a card with instructions on how to connect.
How much data can I use? The mobile hotspots offer unlimited data, with some content restrictions in place (see below).
What can be accessed on a hotspot? Use the hotspot to access social media, job boards, browse the web, use video conferencing software, or downloading eBooks and more. Access the library’s digital collections: CloudLibrary, Hoopla, Kanopy, Creativebug, Udemy for Business, and more!
Certain content such as video streaming sites (Netflix, Disney+ etc..), non-education games, or adult content is restricted. YouTube is available but some adult content may be unavailable.
How long can I keep the hotspot? Hotspots are loaned for 7 days. If there are no holds on the hotspot, it can be renewed once. Overdue hotspots will have internet access deactivated. Borrowers are responsible for any lost or damaged hotspots and accessories. The replacement cost is $165 + $25 processing fee.
Where do I return the hotspot? Please return your hotspot to the same library branch it was borrowed from. Hotspots can be returned to the drop box.
Why is the hotspot not working over night? All of our hotspots have scheduled downtime between 2:00 am and 7:00 am, and won't work during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
For additional information, view our Getting Started with Mobile Hotspots guide.