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2025 passes are here!
Middlesex County Library is excited to continue offering Ontario Parks Day-Use Vehicle passes for loan in 2025. Place a pass on hold using our online catalogue, or call a branch for assistance.
Passes must be picked up at the owning library (look for your desired pickup location when placing the hold). There are passes available at all fifteen of our branches.
Passes are available to be borrowed for seven days, and can be borrowed by anyone with a valid Middlesex County Library card. You may only have one park pass at a time checked out on your card.
Please note that Ontario Parks recommends advance registration for Day Use Vehicle passes at select parks, including Pinery, Long Point, and Algonquin. If you are planning to visit one of these parks you are still able to use one of the Day-Use passes available from Middlesex County Library. When completing your reservation enter the serial number from the pass when prompted to do so. Visit the Ontario Parks website to learn more.
Middlesex County Library is unable to guarantee availability for specific dates or events, and serial numbers will not be provided in advance of check-out. The physical pass must be displayed in your vehicle while at the park.